Church - pt 1: "Discerning the body"
Church is not just gathering to hear a preacher on a Sunday morning. The church is the people of God and should be a part of our lives everyday. Doing life together as a body isn’t always easy, but our continued effort to grow in Christ together allows a depth and new level of building in love that we can not accomplish on our own.
Church - pt 2: "A life of prayer"
Church is not just gathering to hear a preacher on a Sunday morning. The church is the people of God and should be a part of our lives everyday. Doing life together as a body isn’t always easy, but our continued effort to grow in Christ together allows a depth and new level of building in love that we can not accomplish on our own.
Church - pt 3: "A Church who worships together..."
Today we look at what it is to truly worship God. Both, as individuals and as a church body. It starts by letting God show us what he wants from us in this area. He has made himself known to us and now, through Jesus, we have access to the throne room.
Church - pt 4: "Devoted to Doctrine"
The word doctrine is one that, as Christians, we don’t always jump at the opportunity to discuss. It can feel oppressive and limiting, but the doctrine of Jesus is freedom and joy. He teaches us about love and freedom, but we have to be willing to receive, live and practice His doctrine under his perfect authority to fully live out the potential He has for us.
Church - pt 5: "Fellowship"
This week we discussed the importance of fellowship. Does being a Christian require being a part of a community of believers? While having a relationship with Jesus does not require that we are active in a body of believers, it does enrich and enhance our faith in ways that we may not even realize we need. Life is full of difficulties and battles that can be overwhelming alone, but if the body is functioning in a healthy way, we can bare each other’s burdens and journey through life in a way that brings glory to the Father and blessings to us that we aren’t even expecting.
Church - pt 6: "Breaking Bread"
Being in community is something that is emphasized throughout the New Testament. Jesus challenged his disciples and followers to live life together. We all know that community is important, but when the realities of life set in, we have the tendency to pull away from people and try to go it alone. However, community offers us some really important gifts that can enrich our lives in ways that we may never expect; rest for the weary, food for the hungry, shelter from the storm, and a place to be challenged, to wrestle and ultimately to grow, so let’s embrace the hard things and get in each other’s boats.
Church - pt 7: "Awe and Wonder"
A healthy body needs all of its parts to function at full capacity; the Body of Christ is no different. The Holy Spirit was sent to the first church at Pentecost in order to bring the presence of God to the followers of Jesus who were meeting there together. They had joined together with a unity of mind that allowed for peace together. While their gifts were different, their goals were the same. The Spirit is our gift from God, but in order to fully receive that gift, we need each other; we need to live together in peace and unity to be built up fully as a healthy functioning body.
Church - pt 8: "Experiencing the gifts of the spirit"
In this week’s message, we explore how to walk in the gifts of the Spirit. May we all have increased awareness to see the needs around us, and be ready and willing to share what we have instead of focusing on what we lack. God cares deeply about people, and we can trust the Holy Spirit to give us what’s needed to love others well and share the life and hope of Jesus!
For additional resources on the gifts of the Spirit, follow the link to check out parts 13-17 of the Abide series
Church - pt 10: "Carrying Jesus"
In this week’s message, we reflect on the coming of Christ, and how this season of Advent reminds us of the beautiful call that we now have to carry our Savior to a world in need. Sharing Jesus is one of the greatest opportunities for the church, and also one of our most difficult challenges. May we adopt the same mindset we see in Mary to say yes to this adventure, believing that the joy of carrying the light of Christ far outweighs the darkness we face along the way
Church - pt 11: "A Place of Renewal"
In today’s sermon, we explore the powerful work of Renewal that Jesus works in the lives of those who receive Him. Let’s choose to participate in that process individually and collectively as He builds His church into a place of renewal. Let’s respond to His call to remove the grave clothes, that we all might freely experience His resurrection life!
Church - pt 12: "Enjoying Jesus"
Enjoying Jesus is not only the message and invitation of Advent but the very heartbeat of the church. We have been welcomed into the family of God, and the Father’s heart for us is that we would enjoy Him now and forever. As we spend some time together unpacking Psalm 16 today, may we discover the same joy David experienced. Let’s respond to Jesus’ invitation to walk with Him, enjoy His presence daily, and embrace our future that is secure in Him!